On Sun, 21 May 2006, Anthony Liguori wrote:

> Michael McConnell wrote:
> > On Sun, 21 May 2006, Anthony Liguori wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Michael McConnell wrote:
> >>     
> >>> When I try to use QEMU's VNC server, every time I close the connection it
> >>> segfaults.  So far I've been unable to trace the cause of this (gdb 
> >>> appears
> >>> to be next to useless at tracing the execution), but it is totally
> >>> repeatable.
> >>>       
> >> Can you provide more information?  What VNC client are you using? 
> >
> > TightVNC 1.2.9 - and the fault can also be triggered by just telnetting to 
> > the VNC port and closing the connection.
> Curious, I've not seen this myself and your configuration does not seem 
> out of the ordinary.
> Can you try with CVS and 0.8.1?  Also, make sure that you're doing a 
> full build if you've built this from CVS as the dependences in the 
> Makefile aren't good.

Not having quite figured out how to get CVS to work as I so rarely have to
use it (nor could I find a link on qemu.org) I tried with the
qemu-snapshot-2006-05-21_23.tar.bz2 snapshot from qemu.dad-answers.com.  And
ran into exactly the same problem.  gdb is equally useless on this build too.

-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell
   Eridani Star System

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