On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 09:21:46AM +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:

> WxWidgets (www.wxwidgets.org) provides a nice way out of this - provides
> a uniform API for the application developer, and local look-and-feel for
> each platform.  WxWidgets can sit on gtk, motif, x11, win32, mac, cocoa
> (doesn't appear to be a qt backend yet, but no reason there couldn't
> be).

Yes, there should be abstraction between the UI and the VM, but I think
that the approach taken by xine, gstreamer, cdrecord, cdparanoia, etc.
is much cleaner.  You could still write a frontend with WxWidgets...

I think it would be best if QEMU didn't depend on any particular
toolkit, and that includes WxWidgets.
Stuart Brady

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