I hope you can enlight me a little bit :).
I'm trying to use qemu-img to create two disk images: a base image and a
snapshot image (diff image or copy on write, name it the way you want).
I think either qemu-img has a bug if the snapshot image has type vmdk or
this format is not supported/suitable for this. My script is:

qemu-img create -f vmdk hda-base 1G
qemu-img create -b hda-base -f vmdk hda-diff 1G

The output is:

Formating 'hda-base', fmt=vmdk, size=1048576 kB
Formating 'hda-diff', fmt=vmdk, backing_file=hda-base, size=1048576 kB

So, apparently everything went ok. However, in hda-diff file there is no
reference to hda-base file (a binary comparison will reveal this fact).
My question is: isn't there support for backing files if image type is VMDK?
It would be very useful this if you want to mount the image in windows
(using vmware mount utility).

If vmdk image type doesn't support a backing file (case in which it would be
nice for qemu-img to exit with an error), is there a way to mount a disk
image in Windows without converting it first to vmdk (using qemu-img
convert)? This operation is time consuming if the image is big.

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