Ed Swierk wrote:
On 2/13/07, Ed Swierk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This patch changes qemu to map the BIOS into ISA address space as RAM
instead of ROM, allowing LinuxBIOS to run on qemu with no further
modifications (although the DRAM size is still not detected properly).

Unfortunately this isn't the right answer, as modifying the BIOS area
messes things up on soft reboot. What we really want is shadow RAM
support, which Bochs seems to support but qemu doesn't.

Shadow RAM is supported in QEMU and I modified the Bochs BIOS to use it. So you do not need to do any patch in QEMU for it. Please read the rombios32.c source in the Bochs BIOS to know what to do in LinuxBIOS.

To be precise, one case of RAM shadowing is not implemented (read from BIOS, write to RAM), but it is not strictly needed to write data in the shadow RAM. I needed it once to run a real Award BIOS in QEMU, but I did not have the time to clean up the patch to commit it.



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