On 4/22/07, Paul Brook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sunday 22 April 2007 20:39, Lauri Leukkunen wrote:
> This patch makes user-mode emulation drop LD_PRELOAD environment variable
> by default and adds an option "-keep-ld-preload" to override this
> behaviour.


My use case is for scratchbox 2, I want to have libsb2.so preloaded
for qemu-arm itself, but I don't want the target process to have to
load it as there is no such library for it.

I just realized that this patch is probably not doing the right thing
anyway, I think it should modify the target process environment in
loader_exec instead of unsetting it for qemu itself, end result is
more or less the same for simple cases, but I need to check where the
environment is inherited from if the emulated process execs another.


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