Marcin Juszkiewicz <> writes:

> W dniu 8.12.2023 o 20:09, Cleber Rosa pisze:
>> The tests under do not need read-write access
>> to the ISOs.  The ones under, on the other
>> hand, will need read-write access, so let's give each test an unique
>> file.
>> And while at it, let's use a single code style and hash for the ISO
>> url.
>> Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa<>
> It is ISO file, so sbsa-ref tests should be fine with readonly as well.
> Nothing gets installed so nothing is written. We only test does boot works.

That was my original expectation too.  But, with nothing but the
following change:

diff --git a/tests/avocado/ 
index 528c7d2934..436da4b156 100644
--- a/tests/avocado/
+++ b/tests/avocado/
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def boot_alpine_linux(self, cpu):
-            f"file={iso_path},format=raw",
+            f"file={iso_path},readonly=on,format=raw",

We get:

15:55:10 DEBUG| VM launch command: './qemu-system-aarch64 -display none -vga 
none -chardev socket,id=mon,fd=15 -mon chardev=mon,mode=control -machine 
sbsa-ref -
chardev socket,id=console,fd=20 -serial chardev:console -cpu cortex-a57 -drive 
refMachine.test_sbsaref_alpine_linux_cortex_a57/SBSA_FLASH1.fd,format=raw -smp 
1 -machine sbsa-ref -cpu cortex-a57 -drive 
 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -object rng-random

Followed by:

15:55:10 DEBUG| Failed to establish session:
  | Traceback (most recent call last):
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 425, in 
  |     await coro
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 253, in 
  |     await self._negotiate()
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 305, in 
  |     reply = await self._recv()
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 1009, in 
  |     message = await self._do_recv()
  |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 402, in 
  |     msg_bytes = await self._readline()
  |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |   File "/home/cleber/src/qemu/python/qemu/qmp/", line 977, in 
  |     raise EOFError
  | EOFError

With qemu-system-arch producing on stdout:

   qemu-system-aarch64: Block node is read-only

Any ideas on the reason or cause?

- Cleber.

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