On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 15:26, Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org> wrote:
> (Also, we should probably put an entry for sh4 in machine_map,
> because the default board type (shix) is about to be deprecated,
> and the r2d board type is thus a better choice.)

The good news is if we add r2d to the machine_map, then
only 3 iotests fail:

 191 -- not sure exactly what's going on. QEMU complains
        "machine type does not support if=ide,bus=0,unit=1".
        Side note: the test harness seems to throw away the
        stderr from QEMU with this error message, leaving the
        test failure log rather uninformative. I had to
        run everything under strace to get hold of it.
 203 -- this wants a machine type that can be migrated;
        sh4 CPUs don't support migration, so the test
        fails because the 'migrate' command returns the error
        {"error": {"class": "GenericError", "desc": "State blocked by
non-migratable device 'cpu'"}}
 267 -- similarly, wants a machine that supports snapshots,
        so fails when the loadvm/savevm get the error
        Error: State blocked by non-migratable device 'cpu'

How should a test indicate "I need a machine type that
supports migration" ?

-- PMM

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