
On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 at 13:23, Zhao Liu <zhao1....@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> Indeed, as you say, these items are initialized to 0 by default.
> I think, however, that the initialization is so far away from where the
> smp is currently parsed that one can't easily confirm it (thanks for
> your confirmation!).
> From a code readability view, the fact that we're explicitly
> initializing to 0 again here brings little overhead, but makes the code
> more readable as well as easier to maintain. I think the small redundancy
> here is worth it.
> Also, in other use cases people always relies on fields marked by has_*,
> and there is no (or less?) precedent for direct access to places where
> has_* is not set. I understand that this is also a habit, i.e., fields
> with a has_* of False by default are unreliable and avoid going directly
> to them.

* Ummn...okay. (I'm not fully convinced, but that's fine, I'm okay to
go with you on this.)

Thank you.
  - Prasad

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