The previous multiboot load code did not treat the case where
load_end_addr was 0 specially.  The multiboot specification says the
 * load_end_addr
   Contains the physical address of the end of the data segment.
   (load_end_addr - load_addr) specifies how much data to load. This
   implies that the text and data segments must be consecutive in the
   OS image; this is true for existing a.out executable formats. If
   this field is zero, the boot loader assumes that the text and data
   segments occupy the whole OS image file.

Signed-off-by: Scott Moser <>

diff --git a/hw/multiboot.c b/hw/multiboot.c
index b4484a3..b1e04c5 100644
--- a/hw/multiboot.c
+++ b/hw/multiboot.c
@@ -202,10 +202,16 @@ int load_multiboot(void *fw_cfg,
         uint32_t mh_bss_end_addr = ldl_p(header+i+24);
         mh_load_addr = ldl_p(header+i+16);
         uint32_t mb_kernel_text_offset = i - (mh_header_addr - mh_load_addr);
-        uint32_t mb_load_size = mh_load_end_addr - mh_load_addr;
+        uint32_t mb_load_size = 0;
         mh_entry_addr = ldl_p(header+i+28);
-        mb_kernel_size = mh_bss_end_addr - mh_load_addr;
+        if (mh_load_end_addr) {
+            mb_kernel_size = mh_bss_end_addr - mh_load_addr;
+            mb_load_size = mh_load_end_addr - mh_load_addr;
+        } else {
+            mb_kernel_size = kernel_file_size - mb_kernel_text_offset;
+            mb_load_size = mb_kernel_size;
+        }

         /* Valid if mh_flags sets MULTIBOOT_HEADER_HAS_VBE.
         uint32_t mh_mode_type = ldl_p(header+i+32);

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