On 05/20/2012 12:03 PM, Gleb Natapov wrote:
> QEMU may want to disable guest's S3/S4 support and it wants to distinguish
> between regular powerdown and S4 powerdown. To support that new fw_cfg
> option was added that passes supported system states and what value should
> guest use to enter each state. States are passed in 6 byte array. Each
> byte represents one system state. If byte at offset X has its MSB set
> it means that system state X is supported and to enter it guest should
> use the value from lowest 7 bits. Patch also detects old QEMU and uses
> values that work in backwards compatible way there.

Do we actually have to patch the DSDT?  Or can _S3 etc be made into
functions instead? (and talk to the bios, or even to fwcfg directly?)

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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