于 2012-7-9 22:36, Christoph Hellwig 写道:
On Mon, Jul 09, 2012 at 04:54:08PM +0800, Wenchao Xia wrote:
Hi, Paolo and folks,
   qemu have good capabilities to access different virtual disks, I want
to expose its block layer API to let 3rd party program linked in, such
as management stack or block tools, to access images data directly.

Following is the objects:
   (1) API to write/read block device at offset.
   (2) Determine the image type,qcow2/qed/raw
   (3) Determine which blocks are allocated.
   (4) Determine backing file.

Sounds like you want a procedural interface for that.  At least for (1)
I have patches I'll submit soon to add qemu img read/write commands.
  Yes, the purpose is introduce API interface about block data, the
operation was supposed to happen frequently, a linked-in library may be
better than process output string parsing in performance.

Best Regards

Wenchao Xia

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