On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 05:47:20PM +0200, Laurent Vivier wrote:
> Hi,
> I think there is a bug in qemu RTL8139.
> RTL8139 uses:
> cpu_register_physical_memory(addr + 0, 0x100, s->rtl8139_mmio_io_addr);
> But in the comment of cpu_register_physical_memory() we have:
> "'size' must be a multiple of the target page size."
> And I think 0x100 is not a multiple of target page size.... :-P

Latest upstream QEMU has fixed its memory handling so that MMIO regions
do not need to be a multiple of page size. Changing RTL8139 to use a
block of size 0x1000 is a reasonable short term hack around the problem,
but syncing with latest QEMU is the real solution, since there are other
places in the code which will have similar issues.

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