> Il 15/11/2012 05:18, Wenchao Xia ha scritto:
   Personally agree, but I want to add a simple wrapper to let libqblock
get user faster. In this way I guess best choice now is making rpc
client and server not mirrored in implemention, server provides
r/w/info retrieving capabilities via XDR protocol, client keeps
the API unchanged but implement a bit different than server, which
may archieve the same effect as invoking qemu-img inside without string

I think the result would really not be simple...

  yes it would not be very simple, I guess reimplement API on client
side with RPC for only R/W/info APIs,  would be relative easier than
design a transparent and balanced RPC layer for every API.

   Not sure if libqblock now is blocked by OOM issue as 1st version to
be reviewed. If you think it must be resolved first, I would add this
wrapper quickly.

No, I was lost with the build problems.  Please repost the last version
you have.


  OK, I'll rebase and repost it.

Best Regards

Wenchao Xia

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