On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Anthony Liguori <anth...@codemonkey.ws> wrote:
> OVMF is proprietary.

I don't agree that not-OSI means proprietary.

I agree that the FAT driver is not 'free software' and I agree that is
a problem for usage with free software projects, such as QEMU. This is
a big deal, but unfortunately, as an Intel employee, I think I've done
as much as I can to address this.

It couldn't hurt if more people that actually care about this spoke up
on edk2-devel about the issue, or perhaps within a UEFI working group.
Because, I know that they've stopped listening to me about it.

> It is not "supported" by QEMU.

No, but I've always thought that QEMU was happy to have alternative
firmware projects.

> I'm not really convinced that
> QEMU<->firmware is a GPL boundary because of how tightly the two are
> linked.

Where has 'linked' in terms of the GPL ever been anything other than
actual executable linking?

> Moving large chunks of firmware code into QEMU just to avoid solving
> licensing issues is a non-starter with me.

Is this a licensing issue? I thought this was a "let's save time by
doing it in one place" thing. I'm pretty ambivalent about this
feature, really. I don't think it is even worth all this bickering.

I'm certain OVMF has ACPI issues on QEMU, but I don't think it is a
huge deal to resolve them independently of this feature.

I was not a huge fan of supporting this type of thing for Xen in OVMF,
but it does seem to work fine.


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