On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:33:39PM +0300, Gleb Natapov wrote:
> > > It just papers over the problem. Compiler should either complain that it
> > > does not know what %w0 or complain that variable length does not match
> > > assembly
> > 
> > Of course it can't. Compiler does not parse assembly at all:
> > these are just constant strings as far as it's concerned.
> > 
> Compiler does not pars assembly itself but it parses things like %w0 to
> know what assembly to emit. That is why it complained about %d0 in the
> first place.

Right. I meant that with this: "outl %0" it has no chance to figure out
that outl needs eax. It has to go by variable type. 

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