On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Quick - identify the bug in this code (from ui/curses.c):
> static void curses_winch_handler(int signum)
> {
>     struct winsize {
>         unsigned short ws_row;
>         unsigned short ws_col;
>         unsigned short ws_xpixel;   /* unused */
>         unsigned short ws_ypixel;   /* unused */
>     } ws;
>     /* terminal size changed */
>     if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1)

An unsafe function is called in a signal. See man 7 signal,
section 'Async-signal-safe functions'. This should be avoided.

>         return;
>     resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col);
>     curses_calc_pad();
>     invalidate = 1;
>     /* some systems require this */
>     signal(SIGWINCH, curses_winch_handler);
> }
> Here's a hint: ioctl() can clobber errno.

I believe it cannot, at least in linux, as technically the signal
handler is always called in a new thread, specifically created
to only handle that signal, and errno should be thread-local.

>  But if a signal handler is
> called in the middle of other code that is using errno, then the handler
> MUST restore the value of errno before returning, if it is to guarantee
> that the interrupted context won't be corrupted.
> More reading on the topic:
> https://plus.google.com/+LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/gHSscCJkakd
> I have not done a full audit of qemu's signal handlers, so much as a
> quick look to see if I could find violations; it was surprisingly easy
> to find a bad example.  A signal handler that resets the signal to
> SIG_DFL then calls raise() is exempt from caring about errno, but any
> signal handler that can fall through to the end and return execution to
> the caller MUST ensure that errno is left unchanged, for errno to be
> useful in the remaining body of code.  Which is why the best signal
> handlers tend to be the one that only flag a volatile variable that is
> later checked at safe points of execution, rather than trying to make
> complex calls from within the handler context.

-- Max

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