Am 06.12.2009 um 07:37 schrieb malc:

On Sun, 6 Dec 2009, Andreas F?rber wrote:

Am 06.12.2009 um 06:14 schrieb malc:

On Sun, 6 Dec 2009, Andreas Faerber wrote:

qemu-system-sparc64 works on ppc64 while it didn't on ppc!

Does it work on linux ppc64? If so

Haven't had a chance to test on other ppc[64] platforms yet.

how exactly did you test that
(so that i can try to debug it here)

$ /Users/andreas/QEMU/latest64/bin/qemu-system-sparc64 -boot d -cdrom
$ /Users/andreas/QEMU/latest64/bin/qemu-system-sparc64 -boot d -cdrom

All these (also MilaX, in case you don't have Solaris 10 around) are expected to enter OpenBIOS and result in OpenBIOS errors but not in QEMU crashes or
On Linux add -nographic.

I was only able to find debian-40r3-sparc-netinst.iso here on ppc/ linux
it boots (i think):

<snip snip>
boot: expert
Allocated 8 Megs of memory at 0x40000000 for kernel
Loaded kernel version 2.6.18
Loading initial ramdisk (3882238 bytes at 0xC00000 phys, 0x40C00000 virt)...
Remapping the kernel... done.
Booting Linux...

And it sits there while i'm losing patience..

Can you retry with netinst, if it behaves like CD-1 in your case the
problem is most likely confined to OSX, otherwise i would have to search
for CD-1 better.

I tried with 4.0r8 businesscard: Such a hang I could reproduce on Linux/ppc and Linux/ppc64 and OSX/ppc64 and Linux/amd64 only when running with qemu-system-sparc64, but not with qemu-system-sparc.

Also, on Linux/ppc64, qemu and qemu-system-x86_64 render Haiku nightly image r34558 x86gcc2 unusable (desktop garbled, no cursor), while on Linux/ppc and OSX/ppc64 (r34514) and Linux/amd64 it works okay.


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