On 12/23/2009 11:25 PM, Amit Shah wrote:
On (Wed) Dec 23 2009 [17:12:22], Anthony Liguori wrote:

+struct VirtIOSerial {
+    VirtIODevice vdev;
+    VirtQueue *c_ivq, *c_ovq;
+    /* Arrays of ivqs and ovqs: one per port */
+    VirtQueue **ivqs, **ovqs;
+    VirtIOSerialBus *bus;
+    QTAILQ_HEAD(, VirtIOSerialPort) ports;
+    struct virtio_console_config config;
+    /*
+     * This lock serialises writes to the guest via the ivq
+     */
+    pthread_mutex_t ivq_lock;

This indicates some thing is wrong.  You should never need a mutex in a

You mean in the no locking needed sense, or not using a mutex sense? If
the latter, what's the recommended way to do the locking?

There's a big global lock so this level of locking in the device is unnecessary. Since we don't know what our re-entrance points are going to be, it's also incorrect because it makes assumptions that may not be true in the future.

+    int header_len;
+    vq = port->ivq;
+    if (!virtio_queue_ready(vq)) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!size) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    header.flags = 0;
+    header_len = use_multiport(port->vser) ? sizeof(header) : 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->vser->ivq_lock);
+    while (offset<   size) {

CodingStyle seems consistently off in a curious way.  Always add spaces
after arithmetic operators.

Curious case of patches getting modified for whitespace somewhere? (Or
the mail client doing it?)

I see the patch is fine in the copy I got CC'ed on; I deleted the one I
got for the qemu-devel list so I can't verify that...


shows it made it fine to the list, so guess it's your mail client doing
something funny.

Yup. It's a thunderbird bug. I upgraded and now it looks right. Sorry for the noise.

The pthread_mutex_lock() can't be right.  qemu already runs with a
single global lock.  Even if you had another thread, there's no easy way
you could safely hold this lock without grabbing the global qemu lock.

I know my current locking scheme is inadequate; but what's the
preference here? I can remove the locking for now but we'll definitely
want qemu to have more fine-grained locking, so when that happens,
revisit all the code to ensure they're safe?
on on this structure.

Definitely remove it. Untested code is broken code and it will break the build on Windows.

I'll annotate and read/write using the le format.

Just use ldl_p and stl_p. (or ldw/stw as appropriate).

+static void virtser_bus_dev_print(Monitor *mon, DeviceState *qdev, int indent)
+    VirtIOSerialDevice *dev = DO_UPCAST(VirtIOSerialDevice, qdev, qdev);
+    VirtIOSerialPort *port = DO_UPCAST(VirtIOSerialPort, dev,&dev->qdev);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%*s dev-prop-int: id: %u\n",
+                   indent, "", port->id);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%*s dev-prop-int: is_console: %d\n",
+                   indent, "", port->is_console);

This doesn't look used to me.

It's helpful for debugging purposes, mostly: 'info qtree' on the monitor
will print this out and one can examine port state.

Unused static functions will cause the build to fail with -Werror.


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