On Mon, 08/25 09:06, Benoît Canet wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 02:04:24PM +0800, Fam Zheng wrote:
> > On Fri, 08/22 18:11, Benoît Canet wrote:
> > > Since the block layer code is starting to modify the BDS graph right in 
> > > the
> > > middle of BDS chains (block-mirror's replace parameter for example) QEMU 
> > > needs
> > > to properly block and unblock whole BDS subtrees; recursion is a neat way 
> > > to
> > > achieve this task.
> > > 
> > > This patch also takes care of modifying the op blockers users.
> > 
> > Is this going to replace backing_blocker?
> > 
> > I think it is too general an approach to control the operation properly,
> > because the op blocker may not work in the same way for all types of BDS
> > connections.  In other words, the choosing of op blockers are likely
> > conditional on graph edge types, that's why backing_blocker was added here. 
> > For
> > example, A VMDK extent connection will probably need a different set of
> > blockers than bs->file connection.
> > 
> > So could you explain in which cases is the recursive blocking/unblocking
> > useful?
> It's designed for the new crop of block operations operating on BDS located in
> the middle of the backing chain: Jeff's patches, intermediate live streaming 
> or
> intermediate mirroring.
> Recursively blocking BDS allows to do these operations safely.

Sorry I may be slow on this, but it's still not clear to me.

That doesn't immediately show how backing_blocker doesn't work. These
operations are in the category of operations that update graph topology,
meaning that they drop, add or swap some nodes in the middle of the chain. It
is not safe because there are used by the other nodes, but they are supposed to
be protected by backing_blocker. Could you be more specific?

I can think of something more than backing_hd: there are also link types other
than backing_hd, for example ->file, (vmdk)->extents or (quorum)->qcrs, etc.
They should be protected as well.

But it seems to me that these are not recursive association, so we don't need
to apply the blocker recursively. Shouldn't it be enough to only block bs->file
when assigning this pointer, and unblock it when unassigning?

I'm not trying to push back this series. I am asking just because that my
understanding to the question still needs some forging.


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