On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:41:29 +0100
"Michael S. Tsirkin" <m...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 09, 2015 at 09:47:20AM +0100, Cornelia Huck wrote:

> > Well, we do need the changes in way more than two places, as every host
> > or guest has to collect the definitions on its own, no?
> This has nothing to do with host.

Hm, but all hosts and all guests need the ids, no?

> It's just using linux source as main basis for the file
> simply because linux is a higher visibility project than qemu,
> they won't borrow code from us but we can borrow from them.

It still seems restricting to use Linux as the ultimate source - and
that has nothing to do with visibililty. I'd say pulling from any
project is restricting: Why shouldn't we want to implement something in
qemu that Linux is not (yet) interested in, but other guests are?

> > (Granted, with
> > Linux and qemu you get most of the users; but it feels a bit strange
> > for a host implementation to collect information from one of its
> > guests. I really think that we should go back to the common root.
> > Didn't we have a BSD-licenced header in the spec?)
> virtio linux headers are also BSD licensed intentionally for this
> purpose.
>  * This header is BSD licensed so anyone can use the definitions to
>  * implement compatible drivers/servers.

Sure, but I always took this to mean "you can freely copy the
definitions", not "this is the authorative source".

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