On 09/16/2015 07:23 PM, Yang Hongyang wrote:

>>> +{ 'enum': 'NetFilterChain',
>>> +  'data': [ 'all', 'in', 'out' ] }
>> I don't see any other QMP usage of this enum anywhere in the series. Are
>> you planning on supporting QMP?  If so, let's get that design discussion
>> started.  If not, why not?
> This series is based on QOM, so the QMP command for object_add
> will use this enum, for example:
>   1 { "execute": "qmp_capabilities" }
>   2 { "execute": "object-add",
>   3              "arguments": { "qom-type": "filter-buffer",
>   4                             "id": "f0",
>   5                             "props": { "netdev": "bn0",
>   6                                        "chain": "in",
>   7                                        "interval": 2000 } } }
> for hmp:
> object_add filter-buffer,id=f0,netdev=bn0,chain=in,interval=1000
> command options:
> -object filter-buffer,id=f0,netdev=bn0,chain=in,interval=1000

Do these examples appear in the documentation anywhere?  If not, it is
worth considering (maybe under 'object-add' in qmp-commands.hx, for

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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