
> 1)
> Is it possible to have an option that would enable running a program
> on the host on switching, IE when both CRTL keys are pressed. It would
> run on the host regardless if it was on the guest machine when the
> keys pressed.
> An option like 'onswitchexecute=/usr/bin/monitorswitch'

Should be doable.  We have other places with simliar things already
(network setup for example).

> Something like that. I have a small program that switches the monitor
> input via I2C direct (if interested: http://pastebin.com/6Hd0pafF).
> The program would need to be modified a little bit to not use a
> variable input. but to somehow detect what it's currently at and then
> switch to the opposite -- shouldn't be too hard.

Calling the thing with "host" or "guest" as argument should be easy too.

> This would be useful for number idea one.
> Instead of both CTRL keys, could the hotkey be something like CTRL
> +SHIFT+ALT+1 for the host, and then each guest would set an option of
> 2 through 9.

Not going to work.  At least not a direct guest -> guest switch, only
guest1 -> host -> guest2.


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