On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:39 AM, Harder, Stefan wrote:

> Hi,
> I've read in a Reservoir paper[1] the following passage:
> "2.2.8 VEE-MIG: Migration of VMs between hosts that do not share storage
> This code supports migraton of VMs between hosts that do not share storage.
> Modifications have been
> made to QEMU-kvm and libvirt. This code was developed by IBM Haifa Research
> Lab. But we are in the
> process of submitting it for open source distribution. The QEMU-kvm is
> scheduled to be incorporated in
> the QEMU release 0.12.0. The libvirt patch will be submitted once all
> changes are offically accept to the
> QEMU release."
> This feature sounds really interesting to me but in the change log[2] I
> couldn't find something about it. Can you tell me something about this? When
> will it be incorporated?
> Best Regards,
> Stefan
> [1]
> [2] http://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog

It has been integrated in QEMU 0.12, back in December IIRC.

Pierre Riteau -- PhD student, Myriads team, IRISA, Rennes, France

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