On 06/10/2010 03:28 AM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
>> +    asm volatile(".word 0xb2b0,0x1000"
>> +                 : "=r"(r0) : "0"(0), "r"(r1) : "memory", "cc");
> Wouldn't it be possible to use the instruction directly instead of
> dumping the opcode values? Same below

No, they aren't recognized by older assemblers.  For instance, the one shipped
with RHEL 5.5, and possibly even by Debian Lenny (I don't currently have access
to that machine to check). Apparently some of these are quite new insns -- 2008 

That said, all the hardware to which either I or agraf have access are the 
z10 machines.  Frankly I expect that to be true of most if not all machines, 
I think it's just a microcode update which everyone with an active support 
can get.


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