On Apr 26, 2016, at 3:00 PM, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:

> * Programmingkid (programmingk...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> My three guest operating systems can't load a web page. I think this is a 
>> bug with QEMU. Is there anyone who has the latest revision of QEMU that can 
>> access the web from a guest? Or are you experiencing the same problem?
> Works here.
So you are using a very recent version of QEMU? Maybe something that was pulled 
in the last day or so?

> Now - how about some basic debug!
> Does your guest see a network card?

> Does DNS work?
Doesn't look like it. If I use just an ip address it still doesn't work.

> Does ping work?
I can ping the virtual router at Any other ip address fails. 

> Does a telnet/ssh from the guest work?
telnet www.google.com 80     failed
Didn't have an address to use ssh on.

> What's the qemu command line you use?
qemu-system-ppc -hda <hd1> -hdb <hd2> -m 512 -boot c -M mac99 -netdev 
user,id=mynet0 -device usb-net,netdev=mynet0 -cpu 750 -prom-env boot-args=-v 
-device ich9-usb-uhci1,id=newusb -device usb-audio,bus=newusb.0 


qemu-system-ppc -hda <hd1> -hdb <hd2> -m 512 -boot c -M mac99 -netdev 
user,id=mynet0 -device rtl8139,netdev=mynet0 -cpu 750 -prom-env boot-args=-v 
-device ich9-usb-uhci1,id=newusb -device usb-audio,bus=newusb.0 

This and my other guest did access the internet before. 

Thanks for helping.

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