On 08/12/10 19:50, Blue Swirl wrote:
> +While using "bool" is good for readability, it comes with minor caveats:
> + - Don't use "bool" in places where the type size must be constant across
> +   all systems, like public interfaces and on-the-wire protocols.
> + - Don't compare a bool variable against the literal, "true",
> +   since a value with a logical non-false value need not be "1".
> +   I.e., don't write "if (seen == true) ...".  Rather, write "if (seen)...".

I'd strongly discourage the use of bool in any code. It doesn't provide
anything guarantees and you are not sure about the size of it. Using int
is safer. IMHO bool is one of the worse examples of changes to the C
standard :(

bool foo = false;
if (foo == true)....

The other thing that might be worth mentioning in the int/long section
is that long is complicated in broken development environments such as
Windows where it is only 32 bit :(


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