On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/02/2016 07:03 AM, Prasanna Kalever wrote:
>>> "debug":"N" does not match the schema; the parameter is named
>>> "debug-level", and it is an integer not a string.  The parameter is
>>> optional; you could just omit it. But if you are going to include it,
>>> give a reasonable example like "debug-level":0.
>> Eric,
>>>From the code I can see
>> #define GLUSTER_OPT_DEBUG           "debug"
>> And even tried this, there is no option 'debug-level'.
>> And yes, I should admit it is 'int' not a 'string'
> Uggh. We were under so much pressure to try and get GlusterServer into
> 2.7 that we really botched it.

That's a great catch.

> The QMP definition is:
> { 'struct': 'BlockdevOptionsGluster',
>   'data': { 'volume': 'str',
>             'path': 'str',
>             'server': ['GlusterServer'],
>             '*debug-level': 'int',
>             '*logfile': 'str' } }
> and what's more, we've copied that string elsewhere for 2.8:
> { 'struct': 'BlockdevOptionsNfs',
>   'data': { 'server': 'NFSServer',
>             'path': 'str',
>             '*user': 'int',
>             '*group': 'int',
>             '*tcp-syn-count': 'int',
>             '*readahead-size': 'int',
>             '*page-cache-size': 'int',
>             '*debug-level': 'int' } }
> So either we need to fix the QMP to spell it 'debug' (to match the
> documentation you gave); or fix the docs to match the QMP and add some
> back-compat glue into the gluster code to manage both spellings rather
> than just the QMP spelling.
> Since blockdev-add is still experimental, I'm leaning towards changing
> the QMP for both gluster and NFS.  But we need to get it done before
> 2.8.  Looks like I have some patches to propose.

Lets fix it in QMP definitions, since we have 'debug' option out in 2.7.
There could be people using this option now, changing the option may
break something out.

I have made the changes, will send them out.

Thanks for the suggest Eric.


> --
> Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
> Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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