On 11/20/16 10:58 -0700, Lin Ma wrote:
Hi Guangrong,

I'm interested in vNVDIMM on qemu. I'd like to give it a try on my laptop.
Because I dont have skylake server hardware, So I want to expose cpu flags
clflushopt, clwb and pcommit to guest for NVDIMM drivers on TCG.

I saw clflushopt and clwb feature flags in cpuinfo of guest, but no pcommit.
Could you please tell me is there anyhing wrong in my qemu CLI or anything
I misunderstand?

pcommit had been deprecated (see KVM commit
dfa169bbee00671288df25f8ef8a2f6e13fe2581), so it's correct to not have
it in guest.

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-cpu Skylake-Client,+pcommit,+clflushopt,+clwb \
-machine pc-i440fx-2.8,nvdimm=on,accel=tcg \
-m 4G,maxmem=... \
-object memory-backend-file,... \
-device nvdimm,... \

BTW, In kvm mode, Even if I used '-cpu qemu64' without flags pcommit,
clflushopt and clwb, The block device /dev/pmem0 is still there and can
be used successfully. Does it make sense? Doesn't nvdimm kernel driver
need pcommit, clflushopt and clwb to work?

If my memory is correct, Linux NVDIMM driver will fallback to clflush
when neither clflushopt nor clwb is available.


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