Verbose error reporting for the _EQUAL family. Modify the standard _EQUAL
so the hint states the assertion probably failed due to a bug. Introduce
_EQUAL_HINT for specifying a context specific hint.

Signed-off-by: Halil Pasic <>
Keeping this separate for now because we may want something different
here. E.g. no new macros and adding an extra NULL parameter for all
pre-existing  _EQUAL usages.
 include/migration/vmstate.h | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/migration/vmstate.h b/include/migration/vmstate.h
index d90d9b12ca..ed1e1fd047 100644
--- a/include/migration/vmstate.h
+++ b/include/migration/vmstate.h
@@ -302,6 +302,18 @@ extern const VMStateInfo vmstate_info_qtailq;
     .offset       = vmstate_offset_value(_state, _field, _type),     \
+#define VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_field, _state, _test, _version, _info,  \
+                            _type, _err_hint) {                      \
+    .name         = (stringify(_field)),                             \
+    .err_hint     = (_err_hint),                                     \
+    .version_id   = (_version),                                      \
+    .field_exists = (_test),                                         \
+    .size         = sizeof(_type),                                   \
+    .info         = &(_info),                                        \
+    .flags        = VMS_SINGLE,                                      \
+    .offset       = vmstate_offset_value(_state, _field, _type),     \
 /* Validate state using a boolean predicate. */
 #define VMSTATE_VALIDATE(_name, _test) { \
     .name         = (_name),                                         \
@@ -808,30 +820,60 @@ extern const VMStateInfo vmstate_info_qtailq;
 #define VMSTATE_UINT64(_f, _s)                                        \
     VMSTATE_UINT64_V(_f, _s, 0)
+#define VMSTATE_UINT8_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, _err_hint)                   \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, 0, vmstate_info_uint8_equal,    \
+                        uint8_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_UINT8_EQUAL(_f, _s)                                   \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, 0, vmstate_info_uint8_equal, uint8_t)
+    VMSTATE_UINT8_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, "Bug!?")
+#define VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, _err_hint)                  \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, 0, vmstate_info_uint16_equal,   \
+                        uint16_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL(_f, _s)                                  \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, 0, vmstate_info_uint16_equal, uint16_t)
+    VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, "Bug!?")
+#define VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v, _err_hint)            \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, _v, vmstate_info_uint16_equal,  \
+                        uint16_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL_V(_f, _s, _v)                            \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, _v, vmstate_info_uint16_equal, uint16_t)
+    VMSTATE_UINT16_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v, "Bug!?")
+#define VMSTATE_INT32_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, _err_hint)                   \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, 0, vmstate_info_int32_equal,    \
+                        int32_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_INT32_EQUAL(_f, _s)                                   \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, 0, vmstate_info_int32_equal, int32_t)
+    VMSTATE_INT32_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, "Bug!?")
+#define VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v,  _err_hint)           \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, _v, vmstate_info_uint32_equal,  \
+                        uint32_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_V(_f, _s, _v)                            \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, _v, vmstate_info_uint32_equal, uint32_t)
+    VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v, "Bug!?")
 #define VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL(_f, _s)                                  \
     VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_V(_f, _s, 0)
+#define VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, _err_hint)                  \
+    VMSTATE_UINT32_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, 0, _err_hint)
+#define VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v,  _err_hint)           \
+    VMSTATE_SINGLE_FULL(_f, _s, NULL, _v, vmstate_info_int64_equal,   \
+                        uint64_t, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_V(_f, _s, _v)                            \
-    VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, _v, vmstate_info_uint64_equal, uint64_t)
+    VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, _v, "Bug!?")
 #define VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL(_f, _s)                                  \
     VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_V(_f, _s, 0)
+#define VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_HINT(_f, _s, _err_hint)                  \
+    VMSTATE_UINT64_EQUAL_V_HINT(_f, _s, 0, _err_hint)
 #define VMSTATE_INT32_POSITIVE_LE(_f, _s)                             \
     VMSTATE_SINGLE(_f, _s, 0, vmstate_info_int32_le, int32_t)

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