On 06/29/2017 03:02 PM, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
On 06/29/2017 09:43 AM, Peter Maydell wrote:
On 29 June 2017 at 13:35, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4...@amsat.org> wrote:
This is true it is better to abort here than risking a deadlock.

However it seems to me they are 3 issues here:
- the deadlock pattern is caused by using a global variable,
- stellaris:ssys_calculate_system_clock() no checking RCC.SYSDIV and
RCC2.SYSDIV2 values <= 2 are reserved (GUEST_ERROR)
- stellaris:ssys_write(RCC2) not overrides correctly RCC

Stellaris works fine. It's other ARMv7M boards (which might forget
to set system_clock_scale) which don't work.

Oh I misread ssys_calculate_system_clock(), indeed system_clock_scale can not get below 5 so no deadlock on Stellaris.

I'd rather take this opportunity to fix the deadlock pattern using a getter/setter on system_clock_scale, doing the zero check in the setter and
eventually aborting in the getter, what do you think?

We should be using a clock property on the CPU instead of system_clock_scale. Unfortunately Konrad's series attempting to add that infrastructure
is still in the "trying to sort out the right API in code review"
stage. I don't think it's worth trying to fiddle with the API
for it before we have the right eventual infrastructure in place.

I see. I'd rather move the comment and assert() in systick_scale().

Makes sense, I missed the potential divide-by-zero exception
which might happen in SysTick Current Value:

val = ((s->tick - (t + 1)) / systick_scale(s)) + 1;

I'll do the change and re-post a V2 when there will be some input
on the two first patches.


(What system_clock_scale is actually doing is setting the
emulated frequency of the CPU, since that affects the
frequency of the timer.)

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