On 11/08/10 17:21, Djamel Hakkar wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a software that runs on MS-DOS and must communicate with a specific 
> card installed on port isa.
> We  want to use this software in Qemu with a machine that runs XP.
> Is it possible to access to the ISA port with Qemu in this case?
> Do we have to do a specific development?
> Can you help us in this development, how much would it cost?

Right now I don't think there is any support for ISA pass-through, but
it could probably be done, even if it sounds pretty scary. There's a lot
of risk with ISA cards, they can easily take down the whole system, and
if it does DMA you are probably out of luck.

You might find someone on the list willing to do the work on a contract,
but I will let interested parties reply to you directly. I cannot do it.


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