On 11/16/10 17:01, Michael Roth wrote:
> This set of patches is meant to be applied on top of the recently submitted 
> Virtproxy v3 patchset. It can also be obtained at:
> git://repo.or.cz/qemu/mdroth.git virtproxy_v3
> There are a wide range of use cases motivating the need for a guest agent of 
> some sort to extend the functionality/usability/control offered by QEMU. Some 
> examples include graceful guest shutdown/reboot and notifications thereof, 
> copy/paste syncing between host/guest, guest statistics gathering, file 
> access, etc.
> Ideally these would all be served by a single, easilly extensible agent that 
> can be deployed in a wide range of guests. Virtagent is an XMLRPC server, 
> integrated into QEMU and the Virtproxy guest daemon, aimed at providing this 
> type of functionality.
> NOTE: The guest agent can potentially be implemented independently of 
> virtproxy depending on the feedback, we simply make use of it to provide an 
> abstraction from the actual transport layer (ISA vs. Virtio serial) and use 
> it's multiplexing capabilities to avoid having to dedicate 2 isa/virtio 
> serial ports to the virtagent service. Please evaluate these patches as being 
> seperate from virtproxy.


On a general note, while the protocol stuff probably should go into
QEMU, then I don't see the actual agent belonging in the QEMU tree. If
you put it all together, you are less likely other agents are willing to
adopt virtproxy.


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