On 11/19/10 15:06, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>> Only comment, as you are adding another SCSI driver, maybe it's time to
>> make the driver selection configurable, rather than hard coding the build?
> What do you mean by that?
> We hardcode lsi53c895a in two places where we really mean "default SCSI
> controller type": pc_pci_device_init(), which applies to "-drive
> if=scsi", and qemu_pci_hot_add_storage(), which applies to "pci_add
> storage if=scsi".  Not sure making that default configurable is worth
> it.
> If you want more control than -drive and pci_add provice, use -device
> and device_add.

What I mean is for most other device types we allow to specify a list of
wanted devices at the configure line, which is what I am suggesting we
added support for for SCSI as well.


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