On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 12:57:45PM +0300, Lluís Vilanova wrote:
> +    /* mandatory initialization function */
> +    int main(int argc, const char **argv)

Most shared library plugin interfaces I have seen do not use "main()" as
the entry point.  Instead they use a unique name that allows the host
application to differentiate between share library files that are valid
plugins (e.g. "qemu_instr_init") and non-plugin shared libraries.

Stable plugin APIs usually have a versioning or feature detection
scheme.  Versioning is simple: the host application passes a major/minor
version number to the init function.

Of course the dynamic linker already enforces compatibility somewhat: if
a plugin uses a newer API than available in the host application then
there will be a missing symbol/linker error.

So what versioning strategy should we follow?  The simplest would be to
depend 100% on the dynamic linker with no explicit checks inside the
plugin or QEMU.  In that case the API/ABI need to follow some rules like
this (not sure how oudated this information is):

> +    {
> +        int i;
> +        printf("init!\n");
> +        printf("    argc :: %d\n", argc);
> +        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
> +            printf("            -> %s\n", argv[i]);
> +        }
> +    
> +        qi_set_fini(fini, NULL);
> +    
> +        /* instrument and trace events */
> +        QITraceEvent *ev;
> +    
> +        qi_event_set_guest_cpu_enter(guest_cpu_enter);
> +        ev = qi_trace_event_name("guest_cpu_enter");
> +        assert(ev);
> +        qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);
> +    
> +        qi_event_set_guest_mem_before_trans(guest_mem_before_trans);
> +        ev = qi_trace_event_name("guest_mem_before_trans");
> +        assert(ev);
> +        qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);
> +    
> +        qi_event_set_guest_mem_before_exec(guest_mem_before_exec);
> +        ev = qi_trace_event_name("guest_mem_before_exec");
> +        assert(ev);
> +        qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);

Why are trace events being enabled in this example?

I would expect qi_event_set_guest_cpu_enter(guest_cpu_enter) to
immediately enable the callback.  The user shouldn't need to use tracing
to receive callbacks.

qi_event_set_guest_cpu_enter(NULL) should disable the callback.


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