Am 21.12.2010 um 01:46 schrieb Alexander Graf:

On 21.12.2010, at 01:33, Andreas Färber wrote:

OpenHack'Ware never worked for me before. Supposedly patched Linux kernels loaded via -kernel, still searching for a working one though...

$ qemu-system-ppc -M prep -nographic
ERROR: BUG caught...
BIOS execution exception
nip=0x05800000 msr=0x00002000 dar=0x00000000 dsisr=0x00000000
Stopping execution

$ qemu-system-ppc -M prep -kernel .../vmlinuz-2.4.25 -nographic #
ERROR: BUG caught...
BIOS execution exception
nip=0x05800000 msr=0x00002000 dar=0x00000000 dsisr=0x00000000
Stopping execution

$ qemu-system-ppc -M prep -kernel .../vmlinuz-2.4.25 -append 'ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,13 ide1=0x170,0x376,13 netdev=9,0x300,eth0 console=ttyS0 console=tty0 root=/dev/hda' -nographic
ERROR: BUG caught...
BIOS execution exception
nip=0x05800000 msr=0x00002000 dar=0x00000000 dsisr=0x00000000
Stopping execution

This one boots for me on qemu from SLES10SP3 (0.8.2):

$ qemu-system-ppc -m 256 -M prep -kernel .../zImage.prep -hda .../ debian-ppc-qemu.qcow -nographic

shows same error as above.

Could this be due to the IRQ issue? The older kernel did expect IRQ 13 twice. I would expect it to get a little further before running into such an error...


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