On 15.02.2018 23:54, Collin L. Walling wrote:
> The s390-ccw firmware needs some information in support of the
> boot process which is not available on the native machine.
> Examples are the netboot firmware load address and now the
> boot menu parameters.
> While storing that data in unused fields of the IPL parameter block
> works, that approach could create problems if the parameter block
> definition should change in the future. Because then a guest could
> overwrite these fields using the set IPLB diagnose.
> In fact the data in question is of more global nature and not really
> tied to an IPL device, so separating it is rather logical.
> This commit introduces a new structure to hold firmware relevant
> IPL parameters set by QEMU. The data is stored at location 204 (dec)
> and can contain up to 7 32-bit words. This area is available to
> programming in the z/Architecture Principles of Operation and
> can thus safely be used by the firmware until the IPL has completed.
> Signed-off-by: Viktor Mihajlovski <mihaj...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
you might want to add your s-o-b here ...
 Viktor Mihajlovski

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