See cover letter for a description of the new test system.

TODO: code clean up
TODO: write description.

Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <>
 scripts/ | 724 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 724 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4312571feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#  Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat Inc
+# Author:
+#  Eduardo Habkost <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+QEMU validator script
+This script will get test YAML test case specifications or Python
+modules as input, and generate/run test cases based on them.
+ <specification-file>... -V VAR1=value1 VAR1=value2 VAR2=value3
+specification-file is a YAML file containing the test specification.
+    # this test specification is equivalent to the
+    # "device/introspect/list" test case in device-introspect-test.c
+    command-line: '$QEMU -nodefaults -machine none'
+    monitor-commands:
+    - qmp:
+      - execute: qom-list-types
+        arguments:
+          implements: 'device'
+          abstract: true
+    - hmp: 'device_add help'
+The test runner will try to run the test cases with all possible values
+for variables appearing in the test specification.
+Some built-in variables are automatically expanded:
+* `$MACHINE` - Expands to a machine-type name supported by $QEMU
+* `$ACCEL` - Expands to an accelerator name supported by $QEMU
+* `$DEVICE` - Expands to a (user-creatable) device type name supported by $QEMU
+* `$CPU` - Expands to a CPU model name supported by $QEMU
+Note that the $QEMU variable must be specified in th
+List or string, containing the QEMU command-line to be run.
+Default: '$QEMU'
+Mapping or list-of-mappings containing monitor commands to run.  The key on 
+item can be ``hmp`` or ``qmp``.  The value on each entry can be a string,
+mapping, or list.
+Default: None.
+TODO: not implemented yet.
+Boolean.  If true (the default), a QMP monitor is configured on the 
+If true, the test runner will issue a ``quit`` command automatically when
+testing is finished.  If false, the test runner will wait until QEMU exits by
+    # just run $QEMU -help and ensure it won't crash
+    command-line: ['$QEMU', '-help']
+    qmp: false
+TODO: whitelist
+TODO: validate output against reference output
+TODO: configure defaults for variables
+TODO: compatibility with Avocado multiplexer?
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+import argparse
+import pprint
+import yaml
+import logging
+import shlex
+import pipes
+import re
+import itertools
+import traceback
+import socket
+from collections import OrderedDict
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'scripts'))
+from qemu import QEMUMachine
+from qmp.qmp import QMPError
+logger = logging.getLogger('qemu.tests.validator')
+dbg = logger.debug
+# Python 2.7 compatibility:
+shquote = getattr(shlex, 'quote', pipes.quote)
+class InvalidSpecification(Exception):
+    pass
+def qom_type_names(vm, **kwargs):
+    """Run qom-list-types QMP command, return type names"""
+    types = vm.command('qom-list-types', **kwargs)
+    return [t['name'] for t in types]
+def info_qdm(vm):
+    """Parse 'info qdm' output"""
+    args = {'command-line': 'info qdm'}
+    devhelp = vm.command('human-monitor-command', **args)
+    for l in devhelp.split('\n'):
+        l = l.strip()
+        if l == '' or l.endswith(':'):
+            continue
+        d = {'name':'name "([^"]+)"', l).group(1),
+             'no-user': (', no-user', l) is not None)}
+        yield d
+class QemuBinaryInfo(object):
+    """Information for a specific QEMU binary"""
+    def __init__(self, binary):
+        """Don't instantiate this directly, use get_binary_info()"""
+        self.binary = binary
+        args = ['-S', '-machine', 'none,accel=kvm:tcg']
+        dbg("querying info for QEMU binary: %s", binary)
+        vm = QEMUMachine(binary=binary, args=args)
+        vm.launch()
+        try:
+            self.alldevs = qom_type_names(vm, implements='device', 
+            # there's no way to query DeviceClass::user_creatable using QMP,
+            # so use 'info qdm':
+            self.no_user_devs = [d['name'] for d in info_qdm(vm, ) if 
+            self.machines = [m['name'] for m in vm.command('query-machines')]
+            self.user_devs = [dev for dev in self.alldevs if dev not in 
+            self.kvm_available = vm.command('query-kvm')['enabled']
+            self.cpu_models = [c['name'] for c in 
+        finally:
+            vm.shutdown()
+    def available_accels(self):
+        if self.kvm_available:
+            yield 'kvm'
+        yield 'tcg'
+def get_binary_info(binary):
+    """Lookup info for QEMU binary, caching data"""
+    if binary not in BINARY_INFO:
+        BINARY_INFO[binary] = QemuBinaryInfo(binary)
+    return BINARY_INFO[binary]
+#TODO: the functions below are not used yet, refactor code to use
+#      the simpler variable expansion logic
+def updatedict(d1, d2):
+    """Return updated dictionary, after d1.update(d2)"""
+    d = d1.copy()
+    d.update(d2)
+    return d
+def newdict(d, k, v):
+    """Return new dictionary with d[k] = v
+    >>> a = {'a':1, 'b':2}
+    >>> b = newdict(a, 'a', 100)
+    >>> sorted(a.items())
+    [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
+    >>> sorted(b.items())
+    [('a', 100), ('b', 2)]
+    """
+    d = d.copy()
+    d[k] = v
+    return d
+def mapchain(fn, l):
+    """map(fn, l) and then chain the results together
+    >>> multiples = lambda i: [i, i*2, i*3]
+    >>> list(mapchain(multiples, [2, 3, 5]))
+    [2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9, 5, 10, 15]
+    """
+    return itertools.chain(*map(fn, l))
+def call_func(v):
+    """Call function, if v is callable"""
+    if callable(v):
+        return v()
+    return v
+def fnitem(tc, var, fn):
+    """Replace tc[var] with fn(tc[var])"""
+    return newdict(tc, var, fn(tc[var]))
+def call_var_func(tc, var):
+    """Update `var` with result of its enumeration func, if necessary
+    >>> retlist = lambda tc: [{'a':[1,2,3], 'c':['hi']}]
+    >>> tc = {'a':retlist, 'b':[100]}
+    >>> tc = call_var_func(tc, 'a')
+    >>> list(tc) == [{'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[100], 'c':['hi']}]
+    True
+    """
+    if callable(tc[var]):
+        r = tc[var](tc)
+        assert all(var in t for t in r)
+        return (updatedict(tc, t) for t in r)
+    else:
+        return [tc]
+#def simple_enum(fn):
+#    """Wrapper for simple enumeration functions that return a list of values
+#    >>> fn = simple_enum(lambda: [1,2,3])
+#    >>> tc = {'a':fn}
+#    >>> tc = call_var_func(tc, 'a')
+#    >>> tc['a']
+#    [1, 2, 3]
+#    """
+#    def enum_func(tc):
+#        return {}
+def split_var(tc, var):
+    """Split test case into multiple items
+    >>> tc = {'a':[1,2,3], 'b':100}
+    >>> tc = split_var(tc, 'a')
+    >>> [r['a'] for r in tc]
+    [[1], [2], [3]]
+    """
+    return (newdict(tc, var, [v]) for v in tc[var])
+def split_vars(tc, vars):
+    """Split test case for multiple variables
+    >>> list1 = [1,2]
+    >>> list2 = [10, 20]
+    >>> tc = {'a':list1, 'b':list2, 'c':[100, 200, 300]}
+    >>> tc = split_vars(tc, ['a', 'b'])
+    >>> list(tc) == [{'a':[i], 'b':[j], 'c':[100, 200, 300]} for i in [1,2] 
for j in [10, 20]]
+    True
+    """
+    tcs = [tc]
+    for var in vars:
+        #TODO: call_var_func()
+        tcs = mapchain(lambda tc: split_var(tc, var), tcs)
+    return tcs
+class VariableDefinition(object):
+    # variable names that must be set before this variable
+    deps = []
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.values = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def enumerate(values):
+        """Enumerate possible values for the variable"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class BuiltinVars(object):
+    """Namespace for builtin variables"""
+    class QEMU(VariableDefinition):
+        """QEMU binary path, must be set explicitly by the user"""
+        def enumerate(self, values):
+            raise Exception("QEMU variable not set")
+    class MACHINE(VariableDefinition):
+        """Machine-type name.  Don't use with $MACHINE_OPT"""
+        deps = ['QEMU']
+        @staticmethod
+        def enumerate(values):
+            return get_binary_info(values['QEMU']).machines
+    class ACCEL(VariableDefinition):
+        deps = ['QEMU']
+        @staticmethod
+        def enumerate(values):
+            return get_binary_info(values['QEMU']).available_accels()
+    class DEVICE(VariableDefinition):
+        deps = ['QEMU']
+        @staticmethod
+        def enumerate(values):
+            return get_binary_info(values['QEMU']).user_devs
+    class CPU(VariableDefinition):
+        deps = ['QEMU']
+        @staticmethod
+        def enumerate(values):
+            return get_binary_info(values['QEMU']).cpu_models
+class VariableEnumerator(object):
+    """Helper class that will enumerate possible values for variables"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # start with built-in variables:
+        self._vars = dict((v, getattr(BuiltinVars, v)()) for v in 
dir(BuiltinVars) if not v.startswith('_'))
+        self._defaults = {}
+    def _add_var(self, var):
+        return self._vars.setdefault(var, VariableDefinition())
+    def set_values(self, var, values):
+        """Set default values for variable `var`
+        `values` can be a list of values, or a single item
+        Default values override the values returned by 
+        """
+        if not isinstance(values, list):
+            values = [values]
+        self._add_var(var).values = values
+    def update_values(self, valuedict):
+        dbg("update_values: %r", valuedict)
+        for k,v in valuedict.items():
+            self.set_values(k, v)
+    def lookup_var(self, var):
+        """Lookup variable"""
+        return self._vars.get(var)
+    def var_deps(self, var):
+        """Return variables need to be set before `var`"""
+        return self.lookup_var(var).deps
+    def order_deps(self, vars):
+        """Return full list of variables, including dependencies in the right 
+        """
+        dbg("START order_deps %r", vars)
+        result = OrderedDict()
+        vars = OrderedDict(((v,1) for v in reversed(vars)))
+        while vars:
+            dbg("queue: %r", list(vars.keys()))
+            v,_ = vars.popitem(last=True)
+            dbg("next var: %s", v)
+            deps = self.var_deps(v)
+            dbg("deps: %r", deps)
+            if all(dep in result for dep in deps):
+                dbg("var %s is ready", v)
+                result[v] = 1
+                continue
+            # dependencies not met:
+            vars[v] = 1
+            for dep in deps:
+                if dep in vars:
+                    raise Exception("Variable dependency cycle: %s" % (' -> 
+                vars[dep] = 1
+        return list(result.keys())
+    def enumerate(self, env, var, values):
+        """Enumerate possible values for variable `var`
+        May be called only if all requirements for `var` are set in `values`.
+        """
+        v = self.lookup_var(var)
+        assert all(dep in values for dep in v.deps)
+        dbg("var: %r", v)
+        if v.values:
+            r = v.values
+        else:
+            r = v.enumerate(values)
+        logger.debug('Values for %s: %r', var, r)
+        return r
+def apply_template(templ, values):
+    """Apply variables to a template, supporting strings and lists
+    >>> apply_template('$QEMU -machine X', {'QEMU':'qemu-system-x86_64'})
+    'qemu-system-x86_64 -machine X'
+    >>> apply_template({"$TEST": ["$FOO", "is $BAR"]}, \
+                       {'FOO':'XX', 'BAR':'YY', 'TEST':'TT'})
+    {'$TEST': ['XX', 'is YY']}
+    """
+    if isinstance(templ, str):
+        return string.Template(templ).substitute(values)
+    elif isinstance(templ, list):
+        return [apply_template(s, values) for s in templ]
+    elif isinstance(templ, dict):
+        return dict( (k, apply_template(v, values)) for (k, v) in 
+    else:
+        return templ
+def vars_for_template(templ):
+    """Return list of variables used by s when used as template string
+    >>> vars_for_template('abcde fgh')
+    []
+    >>> vars_for_template('$A is ${A}, not ${B} or $C')
+    ['A', 'B', 'C']
+    >>> vars_for_template(['$QEMU', '-machine' , '$MACHINE$MACHINE_OPT'])
+    """
+    usedKeys = OrderedDict()
+    class LoggingDict(object):
+        def __getitem__(self, k):
+            usedKeys[k] = 1
+            return 'X'
+    apply_template(templ, LoggingDict())
+    return list(usedKeys.keys())
+class TestSpecification(object):
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self._data = data
+        self.normalize()
+    def normalize(self):
+        """Normalize test specification data
+        * ensure 'command-line' is a list of arguments
+        * 'monitor-commands' will be an array
+        """
+        # if command-line is omitted, just run QEMU with no arguments:
+        self._data.setdefault('command-line', ['$QEMU'])
+        self._data.setdefault('monitor-commands', [])
+        # 'monitor-commands' must be a list
+        if not isinstance(self.get('monitor-commands'), list):
+            self._data['monitor-commands'] = [self.get('monitor-commands')]
+    @classmethod
+    def load_file(cls, file):
+        data = yaml.load(open(file))
+        return cls(data)
+    def get(self, key, default=None):
+        return self._data.get(key, default)
+    def _gen_subtests(self, testcases, env, vars):
+        """Call _gen_test_cases() for each test case in `testcases`"""
+        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+        for tc in testcases:
+            for st in self._gen_test_cases(env, vars, tc):
+                yield st
+    def _gen_var_testcases(self, env, var, values):
+        """Generate one test case for each possible value for `var`"""
+        for value in self.var_enum.enumerate(env, var, values):
+            newvalues = values.copy()
+            newvalues[var] = value
+            yield newvalues
+    def _gen_test_cases(self, env, vars, values):
+        """Generate list of test cases
+        :param vars: List of variable names that are not set yet
+        :param values: values of variables that are already set
+        """
+        if not vars:
+            # No unset variables -> only 1 test case
+            return [values.copy()]
+        # pick next unset variable, enumerate values, set it:
+        var = vars[0]
+        cases = self._gen_var_testcases(env, var, values)
+        cases = self._gen_subtests(cases, env, vars[1:])
+        return cases
+    def gen_test_cases(self, env):
+        """Generate all test cases for this test specification"""
+        # we generate combinations for the command-line and monitor commands
+        # in separate steps, so test cases using the same QEMU command-line
+        # are grouped together
+        vars = vars_for_template(self.get('command-line')) + 
+        self.var_enum = VariableEnumerator()
+        if not env.args.full:
+            self.var_enum.update_values(self.get('defaults', {}))
+        self.var_enum.update_values(env.var_values)
+        # put dependencies in right order:
+        vars = self.var_enum.order_deps(vars)
+        cases = self._gen_test_cases(env, vars, {})
+        return (TestCase(self, c) for c in cases)
+class TestCase(object):
+    def __init__(self, spec, values):
+        self.spec = spec
+        self.values = values
+    def __str__(self):
+        return ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, shquote(v)) for k,v in 
+    def is_expected_entry(self, expected_entry):
+        """Check if `expected_entry` matches the testcase/results"""
+        expected_vars = expected_entry.copy()
+        for var,value in expected_vars.items():
+            if self.values.get(var) != value:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def is_expected_failure(self):
+        for e in self.getField('expected-failures', []):
+            if self.is_expected_entry(e):
+                return True
+    def getField(self, var, default=None):
+        """Get value of test spec field, expanding variables"""
+        return apply_template(self.spec.get(var, default), self.values)
+    def qmp_cmd(self, vm, cmd):
+        if isinstance(cmd, list):
+            for c in cmd:
+                self.qmp_cmd(vm, c)
+        elif isinstance(cmd, dict):
+            return vm.qmp_obj(cmd)
+        else:
+            raise InvalidSpecification("QMP command must be dict: %r" % (cmd))
+    def hmp_cmd(self, vm, cmd):
+        return vm.command('human-monitor-command', command_line=cmd)
+    def monitor_cmd(self, vm, cmd):
+        dbg("monitor cmd: %r", cmd)
+        if isinstance(cmd, dict):
+            for k,v in cmd.items():
+                if k == 'qmp':
+                    self.qmp_cmd(vm, v)
+                elif k == 'hmp':
+                    self.hmp_cmd(vm, v)
+                else:
+                    raise InvalidSpecification("Invalid monitor command: %r: 
%r" % (k, v))
+    def run(self, env):
+        """Check one specific test case
+        Returns a dictionary containing failure information on error,
+        or None on success
+        """
+        result = {'success': True }
+        result['is-expected-failure'] = self.is_expected_failure()
+        cmdline = self.getField('command-line')
+        if not isinstance(cmdline, list):
+            cmdline = shlex.split(cmdline)
+        qmp = self.getField('qmp', True)
+        #TODO: use context manager to enter/exit borrowed VM from env
+        vm = env.get_vm(cmdline, qmp)
+        try:
+            if not vm.is_launched():
+                vm.launch()
+            #TODO: generate/enumerate variables inside monitor commands too
+            for cmd in self.getField('monitor-commands', []):
+                self.monitor_cmd(vm, cmd)
+            if not qmp:
+                vm.wait()
+                env.drop_vm()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            raise
+        except QMPError as err:
+            result['exception'] = repr(err)
+            result['success'] = False
+        except socket.error as err:
+            result['exception'] = repr(err)
+            result['success'] = False
+        dbg('vm is %r', vm)
+        ec = vm.exitcode()
+        dbg("exit code: %r", ec)
+        if ec is not None and ec != 0:
+            result['success'] = False
+        result['exitcode'] = ec
+        result['log'] = vm.get_log()
+        #TODO: use context manager to enter/exit borrowed VM from env
+        if not result['success']:
+            env.drop_vm()
+        return result
+class TestEnv(object):
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        self.args = args
+        self._last_vm_args = None
+        self._last_vm = None
+    def qemu_binaries(self):
+        return self.args.qemu_binaries
+    def drop_vm(self):
+        """Drop existing VM object"""
+        if self._last_vm:
+            #TODO: record failures here
+            self._last_vm.shutdown()
+            self._last_vm = None
+            self._last_vm_args = None
+    def get_vm(self, cmdline, qmp):
+        """Get VM object for test case"""
+        if self._last_vm_args == (cmdline, qmp) and self._last_vm.is_running():
+            dbg("Reusing VM object for cmdline %r", cmdline)
+            return self._last_vm
+        dbg("Starting new VM for cmdline %r", cmdline)
+        #FIXME: need to catch exitcode/segfaults here somehow  :(
+        self.drop_vm()
+        vm = QEMUMachine(binary=cmdline[0], args=cmdline[1:], qmp=qmp)
+        self._last_vm = vm
+        self._last_vm_args = (cmdline, qmp)
+        return vm
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generic QEMU validator")
+    parser.set_defaults(loglevel=logging.INFO)
+    parser.add_argument('-V', metavar='VAR=VALUE', nargs='*',
+                        help="Force variabie VAR to VALUE",
+                        action='append', dest='vars', default=[])
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug',action='store_const',
+                        dest='loglevel', const=logging.DEBUG,
+                        help='debug output')
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',action='store_const',
+                        dest='loglevel', const=logging.INFO,
+                        help='verbose output')
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',action='store_const',
+                        dest='loglevel', const=logging.WARN,
+                        help='non-verbose output')
+    parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true",
+                        help="Don't run test cases")
+    parser.add_argument("--full", action="store_true",
+                        help="Run all test case combinations, not just the 
default for the test specification")
+    parser.add_argument("testfiles", nargs="+", metavar="FILE",
+                        help="Load test case specification from FILE")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    env = TestEnv(args)
+    vars = {}
+    if args.vars:
+        for varval in itertools.chain(*args.vars):
+            var,val = varval.split('=', 1)
+            vars.setdefault(var, []).append(val)
+    env.var_values = vars
+    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=args.loglevel, 
format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+    resultdict = {}
+    try:
+        for testfile in args.testfiles:
+            specname = os.path.basename(testfile)
+            #TODO: support test specifications pointing to Python modules
+            spec = TestSpecification.load_file(testfile)
+            logger.debug("Test specification:")
+            logger.debug(pprint.pformat(spec._data))
+            logger.debug('---')
+            for tc in spec.gen_test_cases(env):
+                if tc.is_expected_failure():
+          "%s: Skipped: %s", specname, str(tc))
+                    continue
+      "%s: Running: %s", specname, str(tc))
+                if not args.dry_run:
+                    r =
+                    logger.debug("Result:")
+                    logger.debug(pprint.pformat(r))
+                    if not r['success']:
+                        logger.error("%s: failed: %s", specname, tc)
+                    resultdict.setdefault(r['success'], []).append( (tc, r) )
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        # Print partial test result summary on interrupt
+"Interrupted. Partial test summary follows")
+        pass
+    env.drop_vm()
+    if not args.dry_run:
+'%d successes', len(resultdict.get(True, [])))
+        failures = resultdict.get(False, [])
+        if failures:
+            logger.error('%d failures', len(failures))
+            for tc,r in failures:
+                logger.error("Failed: %s", tc)
+                logger.error("Result:")
+                pprint.pprint(r)
+                dbg("Result: %r", r)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())

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