On 01/23/2011 04:25 PM, Stefano Bonifazi wrote:
> I am trying to shift in memory the target executable .. now the code is
> "supposed" to be loaded by the elfloader at the exact start address set
> at link time ..

Ah, elf loading.  That's a whole 'nother bag of worms.

Oddly enough, I was deling with this last year trying to debug the
uClibc dynamic linker.  I blogged a bit about it at the time:


(And the next few days.  Sigh, I never did go back and fill in the
holes, did I?)

> Inside elfloader there is even a check for verifying whether that
> address range is busy.. but no action is taken in that case o.O
> Maybe I'll post a new thread about this problem (bug?) .. anyway if you
> think you can help me anyway I'll give you further details..

Tired right now, but if you post a clearer question (what are you trying
to _do_) and cc: me on it I'll try to respond.

Maybe I can find some decent documentation to point you at, or maybe
I'll write some...


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