On 01/24/2011 04:20 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:08:09PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
You might as well reuse the libguestfs API here because you get the
benefit of all the code that's been written, all the tools on top, and
a far more comprehensive API that would take you another 2 years to
To put it in some perspective, libguestfs is just shy of 500K lines of
code now, not including the tools built on top.  150 page manual just
for the core API.

Yeah, but I think that's the reason that it might not be a good candidate for this use-case.

We need a *simple* interface that we can convince everyone to install by default and run in their guests. It needs to be flexible enough that we can do lots of fun things but simple enough that a reasonable person can audit the code in a short period of time.

It will never replace something as sophisticated as guestfs but that's not it's point. It's point is to let you do simple things like execute a command in the guest or peek at /proc/meminfo. You don't need 500k LOCs for that.


Anthony Liguori


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