On 04/24/2018 10:24 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Before we can make x-blockdev-create a background job, we need to
> generalise the job infrastructure so that it can be used without any
> associated block node.
> This series extracts a Job object from the block job infrastructure,
> which should contain everything related to jobs that doesn't require the
> block layer to be involved.
> The split between BlockJob and Job is reasonably complete as of this RFC
> (though there are still some rough edges). Missing are mainly:
> * Some cleanups. This means mostly TODOs left for functions moved to
>   job.c that should become static again, but were still called from
>   blockjob.c. At this point, most of these public declarations aren't
>   actually necessary any more, or very little is missing to make them
>   unnecessary.
> * A QMP interface that can be used with non-block job. The existing
>   block-job-* QMP commands will tell the user that they don't know the
>   job if you pass the ID of a non-block job.
> * The actual conversion of x-blockdev-create to Job, as a proof of
>   concept that the generalised infrastructure actually works.

I didn't review the second half as closely, but did glance through the
whole series.  Overall, I like what I'm seeing; it looks like you have
indeed extracted the non-block portions into a reusable framework that
can be extended to other uses.  It would also be interesting to see what
other long-running operations we can map into this scheme, such as
migration or capturing a screenshot.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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