On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 1:07 AM Michael Clark <m...@sifive.com> wrote:
> Thanks. I was just about to log an issue in the riscv-qemu issue tracker on 
> GitHub.
> I reproduced it on my side. The fact that it is causes QEMU user to crash in 
> translate.c is interesting.
> I ran your program with -d in_asm and it appears to crash in thread::join

Interestingly, qemu-x86_64 crashes too. But running natively on x86
works fine. There is something off somewhere...

~/quickht$ qemu-x86_64 ./bench -t 2 -u 2
qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped
Segmentation fault

~/quickht$ ./bench -t 2 -u 2
Comparisons: 23922
Buckets touched: 4933
Operations: 2000


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