Hi, everyone.
    When I have installed the QEMU3.0.0 in the Linux on non X86 CPUS, I want to 
use user space emulator to run Wine. I can get the source code for Wine and the 
RPM file for Wine from the WineHQ web page.
I used to compile Wine in the X86-based Linux system and used it to run most 
Win32 programs. Now I want to  use it on the non X86 CPUS by QEMU. But I can't 
get the function to install and use the Wine. Please give me some advice
or some functions to finish it. Thanks a lot.
   Meanwhile, I use the command "qemu-i386/qemu-x86_64 *.sh" to run the 
application from the X86 CPUS on non X86 CPUS, I get the error 
information:"Invalid ELF image for this architecture". Why the error is 
comming? What can I 
do to resolve this problem?


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