On 2018/12/4 上午12:46, Eric Blake wrote:
On 12/3/18 4:06 AM, Jason Wang wrote:
This test tries to build a packet whose size is greater than INT_MAX
which tries to trigger integer overflow in qemu_net_queue_append_iov()
which may result OOB.

Can you also add a packet just slightly larger than NET_BUFSIZE (68k) to show that we aren't having any further issues at even smaller (and more likely) values of oversized packets?


Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <jasow...@redhat.com>
  tests/virtio-net-test.c | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 44 insertions(+)

+++ b/tests/virtio-net-test.c
@@ -245,6 +245,49 @@ static void pci_basic(gconstpointer data)
+static void large_tx(gconstpointer data)
+    QVirtioPCIDevice *dev;
+    QOSState *qs;
+    QVirtQueuePCI *tx, *rx;
+    QVirtQueue *vq;
+    uint64_t req_addr;
+    uint32_t free_head;
+    size_t alloc_size = UINT_MAX / 64;
+    int i;
+    qs = pci_test_start("-netdev hubport,id=hp0,hubid=0 "
+                        "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hp0 ");

Why the trailing space?

I guess this is a cut and paste error.

+    dev = virtio_net_pci_init(qs->pcibus, PCI_SLOT);
+    rx = (QVirtQueuePCI *)qvirtqueue_setup(&dev->vdev, qs->alloc, 0);
+    tx = (QVirtQueuePCI *)qvirtqueue_setup(&dev->vdev, qs->alloc, 1);
+    driver_init(&dev->vdev);
+    vq = &tx->vq;
+    /* Bypass the limitation by pointing several descriptors to a single
+     * smaller area */
+    req_addr = guest_alloc(qs->alloc, alloc_size);
+    free_head = qvirtqueue_add(vq, req_addr, alloc_size, false, true);
+    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+        qvirtqueue_add(vq, req_addr, alloc_size, false, i == 63 ?
+                       false : true);

Any time I see both 'true' and 'false' in a ?: operator, I have to wonder why you didn't just write the simpler version directly on the condition.  This is the same as  'i != 63'.


+    }
+    qvirtqueue_kick(&dev->vdev, vq, free_head);
+    qvirtio_wait_used_elem(&dev->vdev, vq, free_head, NULL,
+                           QVIRTIO_NET_TIMEOUT_US);
+    qvirtqueue_cleanup(dev->vdev.bus, &tx->vq, qs->alloc);
+    qvirtqueue_cleanup(dev->vdev.bus, &rx->vq, qs->alloc);
+    qvirtio_pci_device_disable(dev);
+    g_free(dev->pdev);
+    g_free(dev);
+    qtest_shutdown(qs);
    static void hotplug(void)
@@ -270,6 +313,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
      qtest_add_data_func("/virtio/net/pci/basic", send_recv_test, pci_basic);
                          stop_cont_test, pci_basic);
+    qtest_add_data_func("/virtio/net/pci/large_tx", NULL, large_tx);
      qtest_add_func("/virtio/net/pci/hotplug", hotplug);

I can reproduce Peter's complaints of this introducing noise to 'make check':
qemu-system-x86_64: warning: hub 0 is not connected to host network

Yes, this is intended since the test does not require any host network. I will add a patch to suppress this warning if qtest is enabled.

With patches 2-4 applied but patch 1 omitted, 'make check' fails with:

Broken pipe
tests/libqtest.c:125: kill_qemu() detected QEMU death from signal 11 (Segmentation fault) (core dumped)
GTester: last random seed: R02S9569aabcb2d834a9dadcce272c5588db

so the test is definitely triggering the problem as patched by part 1. Although I'm not confident enough of what the test is doing for an R-b, and would like it to be less noisy, I can at least add:

Tested-by: Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com>


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