This adds the initial set of QMP/QAPI commands provided by the guest


The input/output specification for these commands are documented in the

Signed-off-by: Michael Roth <>
 qapi-schema.json           |  133 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 qga/guest-agent-commands.c |  284 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 qga/guest-agent-commands.c

diff --git a/qapi-schema.json b/qapi-schema.json
index 5292938..e2f209d 100644
--- a/qapi-schema.json
+++ b/qapi-schema.json
@@ -1387,10 +1387,139 @@
 { 'enum': 'VirtioNetTxStrategy', 'data': ['bh', 'timer'] }
 { 'type': 'GuestInfo', 'data': {'*name': 'str', '*pid': 'int'} }
+# @guest-ping:
+# Ping the guest agent, a non-error return implies success
+# Since: 0.15.0
 { 'command': 'guest-ping' }
-{ 'command': 'guest-view-file', 'data': { 'filename': 'str' },
-  'returns': 'str' }
+# @guest-info:
+# Get some information about the guest agent.
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'type': 'GuestAgentInfo', 'data': {'version': 'str', 'timeout_ms': 'int'} }
+{ 'command': 'guest-info',
+  'returns': 'GuestAgentInfo' }
+# @guest-shutdown:
+# Initiate guest-activated shutdown
+# @shutdown_mode: "halt", "powerdown", or "reboot"
+# Returns: Nothing on success
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'command': 'guest-shutdown', 'data': { 'shutdown_mode': 'str' } }
+# @guest-file-open:
+# Open a file in the guest and retrieve a file handle for it
+# @filename: Full path to the file in the guest to open.
+# @mode: #optional open mode, as per fopen(), "r" is the default.
+# Returns: Guest file handle on success.
+#          If @filename cannot be opened, OpenFileFailed
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'command': 'guest-file-open',
+  'data':    { 'filename': 'str', 'mode': 'str' },
+  'returns': 'int' }
+# @guest-file-read:
+# Read from an open file in the guest
+# @filehandle: filehandle returned by guest-file-open
+# @count: maximum number of bytes to read
+# Returns: GuestFileRead on success.
+#          If @filehandle cannot be found, OpenFileFailed
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'type': 'GuestFileRead',
+  'data': { 'count': 'int', 'buf': 'str', 'eof': 'bool' } }
+{ 'command': 'guest-file-read',
+  'data':    { 'filehandle': 'int', 'count': 'int' },
+  'returns': 'GuestFileRead' }
+# @guest-file-write:
+# Write to an open file in the guest
+# @filehandle: filehandle returned by guest-file-open
+# @data_b64: base64-encoded string representing data to be written
+# @count: bytes to write (actual bytes, after b64-decode)
+# Returns: GuestFileWrite on success.
+#          If @filehandle cannot be found, OpenFileFailed
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'type': 'GuestFileWrite',
+  'data': { 'count': 'int', 'eof': 'bool' } }
+{ 'command': 'guest-file-write',
+  'data':    { 'filehandle': 'int', 'data_b64': 'str', 'count': 'int' },
+  'returns': 'GuestFileWrite' }
+# @guest-file-seek:
+# Seek to a position in the file, as with fseek(), and return the
+# current file position afterward. Also encapsulates ftell()'s
+# functionality, just Set offset=0, whence=SEEK_CUR.
+# @filehandle: filehandle returned by guest-file-open
+# @offset: bytes to skip over in the file stream
+# @whence: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END, as with fseek()
+# Returns: GuestFileSeek on success.
+#          If @filename cannot be opened, OpenFileFailed
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'type': 'GuestFileSeek',
+  'data': { 'position': 'int', 'eof': 'bool' } }
+{ 'command': 'guest-file-seek',
+  'data':    { 'filehandle': 'int', 'offset': 'int', 'whence': 'int' },
+  'returns': 'GuestFileSeek' }
+# @guest-file-close:
+# Close an open file in the guest
+# @filehandle: filehandle returned by guest-file-open
+# Returns: Nothing on success.
+#          If @filename cannot be opened, OpenFileFailed
+# Since: 0.15.0
+{ 'command': 'guest-file-close',
+  'data': { 'filehandle': 'int' } }
 { 'type': 'ProbeProtocol', 'data': { 'unsafe': 'bool', 'filename': 'str' } }
diff --git a/qga/guest-agent-commands.c b/qga/guest-agent-commands.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843ef36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qga/guest-agent-commands.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * QEMU Guest Agent commands
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2011
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *  Michael Roth      <>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+ * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "guest-agent.h"
+static bool enable_syslog = true;
+static GAState *ga_state;
+#define SLOG(msg, ...) do { \
+    if (enable_syslog) { \
+        g_log("syslog", G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, msg, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
+    } \
+} while(0)
+void qga_guest_ping(Error **err)
+    SLOG("guest-ping called");
+struct GuestAgentInfo *qga_guest_info(Error **err)
+    GuestAgentInfo *info = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestInfo));
+    info->version = g_strdup(QGA_VERSION);
+    info->timeout_ms = ga_get_timeout(ga_state);
+    return info;
+void qga_guest_shutdown(const char *shutdown_mode, Error **err)
+    int ret;
+    const char *shutdown_flag;
+    SLOG("guest-shutdown called, shutdown_mode: %s", shutdown_mode);
+    if (strcmp(shutdown_mode, "halt") == 0) {
+        shutdown_flag = "-H";
+    } else if (strcmp(shutdown_mode, "powerdown") == 0) {
+        shutdown_flag = "-P";
+    } else if (strcmp(shutdown_mode, "reboot") == 0) {
+        shutdown_flag = "-r";
+    } else {
+        ret = -EINVAL;
+        error_set(err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "shutdown_mode",
+                  "halt|powerdown|reboot");
+        return;
+    }
+    ret = fork();
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        /* child, start the shutdown */
+        setsid();
+        fclose(stdin);
+        fclose(stdout);
+        fclose(stderr);
+        sleep(5);
+        ret = execl("/sbin/shutdown", "shutdown", shutdown_flag, "+0",
+                    "hypervisor initiated shutdown", (char*)NULL);
+        exit(!!ret);
+    } else if (ret < 0) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_UNDEFINED_ERROR);
+    }
+typedef struct GuestFileHandle {
+    uint64_t id;
+    FILE *fh;
+} GuestFileHandle;
+static struct {
+    GSList *filehandles;
+    uint64_t last_id;
+} guest_file_state;
+static void guest_file_init(void)
+    guest_file_state.filehandles = NULL;
+    guest_file_state.last_id = 0;
+static void guest_file_cleanup(void)
+    /* TODO: cleanup old array, close out any open filehandles */
+    guest_file_state.filehandles = NULL;
+    guest_file_state.last_id = 0;
+static int64_t guest_file_handle_add(FILE *fh)
+    GuestFileHandle *gfh;
+    gfh = g_malloc(sizeof(GuestFileHandle));
+    gfh->id = guest_file_state.last_id++;
+    gfh->fh = fh;
+    guest_file_state.filehandles = g_slist_append(guest_file_state.filehandles,
+                                                  gfh);
+    return gfh->id;
+static gint guest_file_handle_match(gconstpointer elem, gconstpointer id_p)
+    const uint64_t *id = id_p;
+    const GuestFileHandle *gfh = elem;
+    g_assert(gfh);
+    return (gfh->id != *id);
+static FILE *guest_file_handle_find(int64_t id)
+    GSList *elem = g_slist_find_custom(guest_file_state.filehandles, &id,
+                                       guest_file_handle_match);
+    GuestFileHandle *gfh;
+    if (elem) {
+        g_assert(elem->data);
+        gfh = elem->data;
+        return gfh->fh;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+static void guest_file_handle_remove(int64_t id)
+    GSList *elem = g_slist_find_custom(guest_file_state.filehandles, &id,
+                                       guest_file_handle_match);
+    gpointer data = elem->data;
+    if (!data) {
+        return;
+    }
+    guest_file_state.filehandles = g_slist_remove(guest_file_state.filehandles,
+                                                  data);
+    g_free(data);
+int64_t qga_guest_file_open(const char *filename, const char *mode, Error 
+    FILE *fh;
+    int fd, ret;
+    int64_t id = -1;
+    SLOG("guest-file-open called, filename: %s, mode: %s", filename, mode);
+    fh = fopen(filename, mode);
+    if (!fh) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_OPEN_FILE_FAILED, filename);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* set fd non-blocking to avoid common use cases (like reading from a
+     * named pipe) from hanging the agent
+     */
+    fd = fileno(fh);
+    ret = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
+    ret = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, ret | O_NONBLOCK);
+    if (ret == -1) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_OPEN_FILE_FAILED, filename);
+        fclose(fh);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    id = guest_file_handle_add(fh);
+    SLOG("guest-file-open, filehandle: %ld", id);
+    return id;
+struct GuestFileRead *qga_guest_file_read(int64_t filehandle, int64_t count,
+                                          Error **err)
+    GuestFileRead *read_data;
+    guchar *buf;
+    FILE *fh = guest_file_handle_find(filehandle);
+    size_t read_count;
+    if (!fh) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_FD_NOT_FOUND, "filehandle");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    read_data = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileRead));
+    buf = g_malloc(count);
+    read_count = fread(buf, 1, count, fh);
+    buf[read_count] = 0;
+    read_data->count = read_count;
+    read_data->eof = feof(fh);
+    if (read_count) {
+        read_data->buf = g_base64_encode(buf, read_count);
+    }
+    g_free(buf);
+    /* clear error and eof. error is generally due to EAGAIN from non-blocking
+     * mode, and no real way to differenitate from a real error since we only
+     * get boolean error flag from ferror()
+     */
+    clearerr(fh);
+    return read_data;
+GuestFileWrite *qga_guest_file_write(int64_t filehandle, const char *data_b64,
+                                     int64_t count, Error **err)
+    GuestFileWrite *write_data;
+    guchar *data;
+    gsize data_len;
+    int write_count;
+    FILE *fh = guest_file_handle_find(filehandle);
+    if (!fh) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_FD_NOT_FOUND, "filehandle");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    write_data = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileWrite));
+    data = g_base64_decode(data_b64, &data_len);
+    write_count = fwrite(data, 1, MIN(count, data_len), fh);
+    write_data->count = write_count;
+    write_data->eof = feof(fh);
+    g_free(data);
+    clearerr(fh);
+    return write_data;
+struct GuestFileSeek *qga_guest_file_seek(int64_t filehandle, int64_t offset,
+                                          int64_t whence, Error **err)
+    GuestFileSeek *seek_data;
+    FILE *fh = guest_file_handle_find(filehandle);
+    int ret;
+    if (!fh) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_FD_NOT_FOUND, "filehandle");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    seek_data = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileRead));
+    ret = fseek(fh, offset, whence);
+    if (ret == -1) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_UNDEFINED_ERROR);
+        g_free(seek_data);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    seek_data->position = ftell(fh);
+    seek_data->eof = feof(fh);
+    clearerr(fh);
+    return seek_data;
+void qga_guest_file_close(int64_t filehandle, Error **err)
+    FILE *fh = guest_file_handle_find(filehandle);
+    SLOG("guest-file-close called, filehandle: %ld", filehandle);
+    if (!fh) {
+        error_set(err, QERR_FD_NOT_FOUND, "filehandle");
+        return;
+    }
+    fclose(fh);
+    guest_file_handle_remove(filehandle);
+/* register init/cleanup routines for stateful command groups */
+void ga_command_state_init(GAState *s, GACommandState *cs)
+    ga_state = s;
+    ga_command_state_add(cs, &guest_file_init, &guest_file_cleanup);

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