On 2011-05-06 11:37, brill...@viatech.com.cn wrote:
>>> If I want to submit a patch for the qemu-kvm-git,  should I
>> use  "[QEMU-DEVEL][Patch]..." as the subject? Or there are other rules 
>> for qemu-kvm upstream? If yes, would you like to tell me?. Thanks!
>> If you really have to target qemu-kvm only, then you tagging is fine.
>> But this patch does not qualify for such exclusiveness. 
>> Rather, your feature should go into upstream's KVM first and will then 
>> be merged back into qemu-kvm on next update.
> I have submit a patch into upstream's KVM for supporting these features 
> before, and the patch has been applied in kvm-git.

As far as I can see, nothing has been applied to any tree, neither
qemu.git nor qemu-kvm.git.

> Do you mean that I should not submit this patch until the KVM's patch is 
> merged back?

You still need to submit a fixed version of this patch against
qemu-kvm.git, uq/master branch (which is qemu.git effectively). Then
Marcelo or Avi can pick it up and push it to upstream. Once it's merged
there, qemu-kvm.git will update from upstream, and you will have your
patch applied to both trees.


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