On 19.07.19 11:51, Aleksandar Markovic wrote:
> On May 31, 2019 12:48 PM, "David Hildenbrand" <da...@redhat.com
> <mailto:da...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>> This is the final part of vector instruction support for s390x. It is
> based
>> on part 2, which is will send a pull-request for to Conny soon.
>> Part 1: Vector Support Instructions
>> Part 2: Vector Integer Instructions
>> Part 3: Vector String Instructions
>> Part 4: Vector Floating-Point Instructions
> Congratulations on completing this complex task!
> I followed your series (even though I did not make any comment), and I
> salute this addition to QEMU.

Thanks, glad to hear that this addition might be beneficial for others
as well!

> I would just ask you to provide me and others with the link to the
> detailed documentation on this matter - I had the hardest time trying to
> find it online.

So, the s390x architecture (including vector instructions) are described
in the z/Architecture Principles of Operation. You can find the latest
publication at [1].

Regarding TCG internals/vector instruction support ... well, most
documentation is the code itself/implementing architectures. :)

Please let me know if you need more information.



> Thanks in advance!
> Aleksandar


David / dhildenb

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