On 07/10/2019 15.11, Thomas Huth wrote:
> On 07/10/2019 14.52, Max Reitz wrote:
>> On 07.10.19 14:16, Thomas Huth wrote:
>>> On 04/10/2019 14.44, Max Reitz wrote:
>>>> On 04.10.19 12:19, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>>>>> Am 02.10.2019 um 19:47 hat Max Reitz geschrieben:
>>>>>> On 02.10.19 18:44, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>>>>>>> Am 02.10.2019 um 13:57 hat Max Reitz geschrieben:
>>>>>>>> It usually worked fine for me because it’s rather rare that non-block
>>>>>>>> patches broke the iotests.
>>>>>>> I disagree. It happened all the time that someone else broke the iotests
>>>>>>> in master and we needed to fix it up.
>>>>>> OK.
>>>>>> (In my experience, it’s still mostly block patches, only that they tend
>>>>>> to go through non-block trees.)
>>>>> Fair enough, it's usually code that touches block code. I assumed "block
>>>>> patches" to mean patches that go through one of the block trees and for
>>>>> which iotests are run before sending a pull request.
>>>>> In the end, I don't care what code these patches touched. I do an
>>>>> innocent git pull, and when I finally see that it's master that breaks
>>>>> iotests and not my patches on top of it, I'm annoyed.
>>>> Hm.  Part of my point was that this still happens all the time.
>>>> Which is why I’d prefer more tests to run in CI than a handful of not
>>>> very useful ones in make check.
>>> Ok, so let's try to add some more useful test to the "auto" group. Kevin
>>> mentioned 030, 040 and 041, and I think it should be ok to enable them
>>> (IIRC the only issue was that they run a little bit longer, but if they
>>> are very useful, we should include them anyway).
>> I agree on those.  (Maybe not 040, but definitely 030 and 041.)
>> Maybe one of the issues was the “path too long” thing for Unix sockets?
> Ah, right. I've applied John's "remove 'linux' from default" patch and
> added the three iotests to the "auto" group, and indeed, they fail now
> on cirrus-ci due to the "path too long" socket problem. "We" (royal we,
> I guess) should likely fix that first...

FWIW, 041 also fails on macOS on Travis (which does not have the "path
too long" issue):


... so we might need to declare this as "linux only" again after John's
patch gets merged.


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