On 08.07.2020 20:32, Eric Blake wrote:
On 7/8/20 12:20 PM, Andrey Shinkevich wrote:
On 25.06.2020 18:21, Max Reitz wrote:
v6: https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2019-08/msg01715.html

Branch: https://github.com/XanClic/qemu.git child-access-functions-v7
Branch: https://git.xanclic.moe/XanClic/qemu.git child-access-functions-v7

I cloned the branch from the github and built successfully.

Running the iotests reports multiple errors of such a kind:

128: readarray -td '' formatting_line < <(sed -e 's/, fmt=/\x0/')

"./common.filter: line 128: readarray: -d: invalid option"

Arrgh. If I'm reading bash's changelog correctly, readarray -d was introduced in bash 4.4, so I'm guessing you're still on 4.3 or earlier? What bash version and platform are you using?

My bash version is 4.2.46.

It is the latest in the virtuozzolinux-base repository. I should install the 4.4 package manually.

Thank you Eric for your hint!


introduced with the commit

a7399eb iotests: Make _filter_img_create more active


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