Cool, thanks I will bring some results this week.

On 17/11/20 16:24, "Vivek Goyal" <> wrote:

    On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 04:00:09PM +0000, Venegas Munoz, Jose Carlos wrote:
    > >   Not sure what the default is for 9p, but comparing
    > >   default to default will definitely not be apples to apples since this
    > >   mode is nonexistent in 9p.
    > In Kata we are looking for the best config for fs compatibility and 
performance. So even if are no apples to apples,
    > we are for the best config for both and comparing the best that each of 
them can do.

    Can we run tests in more than one configuration. Right now you are using
    cache=mmap for virtio-9p and cache=auto for virtiofs and as Miklos
    said this is not apples to apples comparison.

    So you can continue to run above but also run additional tests if
    time permits.

    virtio-9p   virtio-fs

    cache=mmap  cache=none + DAX
    cache=none  cache=none
    cache=loose cache=always

    Given you are using cache=mmap for virtio-9p, "cache=none + DAX" is
    somewhat equivalent of that. Provides strong coherency as well as
    allow for mmap() to work.

    Now kernel virtiofs DAX support got merged in 5.10-rc1. For qemu,
    you can use virtio-fs-dev branch.


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