Hi all,

The team I'm working on started to work on adding support for building the ppc 
target with the disable-tcg option. However, we're not quite sure on where to 
start with such a big patch.

    * Should we focus first on changing the .c files, so that it will build 
when we finally patch the meson.build everything build correctly? Or should we 
start by changing the meson file, so that everyone agrees that the excluded 
files can indeed be excluded?
    * Should we first finish the whole series to then mail it, or should we 
send one file at a time, as soon as we have them ready?

So far we're thinking we'll need to:
    * change 6 files (arch_dump.c, machine.c, mmu-hash32.c, mmu-hash64.c, 
mmu-radix64.c and meson.build);
    * exclude 8 files from the build (dfp_helper.c, excp_helper.c, 
fpu_helper.c, int_helper.c, mem_helper.c, misc_helper.c, translate.c, 
    * create a new one that holds stubs.
Does this sound about right? This is mostly guesswork based on how x86, s390x 
and ARM are doing it.

Thank in advance

Bruno Piazera Larsen

Instituto de Pesquisas 

Departamento Computação Embarcada

Analista de Software Trainee

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